Any body know what the Laos National Footballers are doing beside their jobs as football players?
Back then, my brother was Laos National Football player. His job was a policemen, and I knew many of his teammates was working as the government staffs and some had no job and worked in the rice field with their families.
football is not considered as a permanent job in Laos. Apart from football, the players work in their respective field. For example, Lamnao works for the electricity du Laos.
As you all know Laos never have professional sports palyers...I think goverment needs to change the system about sports, so Laos can compare with other countries...Laos can compete with others....I knew from my heart goverment can make it different if they want the wold to recognize the sports in Laos...sports are good for country....not politic.........rewarding the players will be the idea if Laos wants to move forward with sports.....anything posible....